Big Bang LX18 | Hoppeslot (Castelo Insuflável) w/ Zonzo Compagnie (Bélgica)

CCB-Centro Cultural de Belém Praça do Império,, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Performance / musical installation Dare to jump to the beat of the music in the white snowy Hoppeslot, BIG BANG's only inflatable castle! In Hoppeslot, a choreographer will give you instructions and guide you through a hopping course. A jazz band, led by Tijl Piryns and Simon Segers, reads the children's heels as if it

€1 – €2

Big Bang LX18 | Rocking Chairs – Strijbos & Van Rijswijk (Belgium)

CCB-Centro Cultural de Belém Praça do Império,, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Big Bang LX18 - Music and Adventure Festival for Young Audiences Rocking Chairs Strijbos & Van Rijswijk (Belgium) Sound installation It's like a dream come true: making music as we rock back and forth in the comfort of a rocking chair. Since the development of digital operating systems, the authors have experienced the possibilities of


Big Bang LX18 | Festival de Música e Aventura

CCB-Centro Cultural de Belém Praça do Império,, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Big Bang LX18 - Music and Adventure Festival for Young Audiences The Big Bang Festival returns in its ninth Portuguese edition. This will be a compelling discovery trip for children ages 4 to 12 and their accompanying adults. BIG BANG is an international project that began its activity in 2010. Through this project, the CCB


Big Bang LX18 | Le Manège du Contrevent, Comp. Grandet Douglas

CCB-Centro Cultural de Belém Praça do Império,, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Big Bang LX18 - Music and Adventure Festival for Young Audiences Le Manège du Contrevent Company Grandet Douglas (France) Who> For all ages. Performance / musical installation The Contrevent is a balance, balancing a piano and a flying carpet. The carousel is a call to the imaginary, the soft daydream, the magic of gravity. It is


Kombucha Workshop at Cafe Boavida

Cafe Boavida R. do Poço dos Negros 119,, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

This Saturday there will be Kombucha Workshop at Cafe Boavida! Their wonderful chef and fermenter @_bananaskitchen_ will explain the whole process and talk about the benefits of this probiotic drink. In addition to information, tips and instructions, get a bottle with a SCOBY * to start making your own homemade kombucha! They are € 24


Principe Real Organic Market

Praça do Principe Real Praça do Príncipe Real,, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

Weekend plan are difficult to make when you have a family, but I think one of the best way to start is to go to the weekly Saturday Organic Farmer Market that happens every weekend in the same square: it's the perfect spot to go for some grocery with the kids, you can easily take


Feira Feita — Let’s build what surround us

Campo de Santa Clara Campo de Santa Clara,, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

During the weekend of October 20 and 21, the Santa Clara Market will host the second edition of Fair Feita, a showcase of workshops, incubators and makers and a showroom of local production, design and lifestyle brands in Lisbon. An event that brings together the local creative community providing visitors with the opportunity to buy


WS – Dance Mum/Dad and babies

anagrama - oficina de sonhos Av. de Berlim, 35C,, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

A flower that awakens in the garden. A snail that shyly peeks out of his little house and says good morning to the sun. A frog that jumps so high, so high, that it reaches the sky. A butterfly that emerges from the cocoon, opens its great wings and flies free through the clouds. Trees


Museu da Marioneta Convento das Bernardas Rua da Esperança, n° 146, Lisbon

Improvise, explore, create and tell us the story of your character! And if your puppet has a fragility that reflects on a part of the body, what would that story be like? How would she move, would she cease to be a puppet? Areas: theater and writing In this activity, the LAC team will challenge


Slow Parenting – Parentalidade Positiva e Consciente

Organii @ LxFactory 103, R. Rodrigues de Faria,, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

Academy ORGANII / LxFactory Slow Parenting - Positive and Conscious Parenting with Filipa Castanhinha ( If you are interested in learning the principles of Slow Movement and Slow Parenting, this workshop is for you. Raising awareness about the importance of adopting a less accelerated and more conscious lifestyle, developing knowledge and understanding of different stages
