Shaun the Sheep – The Movie

Museu da Marioneta Convento das Bernardas Rua da Esperança, n° 146, Lisbon

Outdoor movie session Families :: +6 years :: free admission :: limited to the number of places available Movie Language: Portuguese Shaun, a smart sheep, lives with her flock in the fifth Greenwood Valley under the supervision of the Farmer and Bitzer, a well-meaning but ineffectual shepherd dog. Despite the efforts of the Shaun the


Feira do Intendente – Edição 10 de Março 2019

Largo do Intendente Largo do Intendente, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

A very nice market with handicrafts, arts, gastronomy, second hand/vintage ... The market takes place on the SECOND SUNDAY OF THE MONTH, in Largo do Intendente. FREE ENTRY: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. METRO INTENDENTE


31º PBM Lisboa ~ Como é um parto?

Aldeia, Crescer en Familia Calçada dos Barbadinhos 136 , Loja E, Lisbona, Portugal

O Positive Birth Movement (Movimento Parto Positivo) acredita que todas as mulheres merecem um parto positivo. O que é que isto quer dizer? Uma experiência de parto positiva implica um parto onde a mulher sente que tem liberdade de escolha, acesso a informação fidedigna, e que está em controle da sua experiência, poderosa e respeitada.


Workshop – “Brincar com o meu gato”

Pavilhão do Conhecimento - Centro Ciência Viva Largo José Mariano Gago, nº1 Parque das Nações, Lisboa

Fique a saber porque é que brincar com o seu gato é tão importante! Através da brincadeira criam-se vínculos, exercita-se o corpo e a mente. Programa: · Todos os gatos são caçadores · A importância da brincadeira: estímulo cognitivo e físico · Aumentar o vínculo tutor-gato através da brincadeira · Quais os brinquedos recomendados ·


Birth Talks – LFP Specials

Estrela (Lisboa) Estrela (Lisboa)

Giving birth is a life-changing event. Every woman who faced this ordeal is a true heroine! The memories of our births stay with us forever and are shaping our view on life and on how we perceive our self as a woman. Every story is unique and worth sharing! Retelling the story helps us to

Workshop Docs 4 Kids – One day in the village

Coleção Moderna - Calouste Gulbenkian Rua Dr. Nicolau Bettencourt,, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

Inserida na programação da Mostra Ameríndia - Percursos do Cinema Indígena no Brasil, o Projecto Educativo Apordoc realizará uma das suas Oficinas Docs 4 Kids baseada em alguns filmes da colecção Cineastas Indígenas para Jovens e Crianças, do projecto Vídeo nas Aldeias. UM DIA NA ALDEIA Vamos conhecer um dia nas aldeias Waimiri e Atroari,


Using the Brain with Fun

Livraria Ler Devagar R. Rodrigues de Faria 103 - G 0.3,, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

WonderScience is a partner Brain awareness week Making sense of the brain's mind-boggling complexity isn't easy. What we do know is that it's the organ that makes us human, giving people the capacity for art, language, moral judgments, and rational thought. It's also responsible for each individual's personality, memories, movements, and how we sense the



Castelo de S. Jorge Rua de Sta Cruz,, Lisbona,

--The 16th century is the golden age of 16th-century poetry. At the same time, it was the coming of age for Portuguese dance, both syncretic and original, based on Iberian rhythms and open to the dances of other European courts. Discover the words and dances of the 16th century accompanied by a range of renaissance


Free Contact Improvisation class

Culturgest - Fundação CGD R. Arco do Cego 77, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

Contact Improvisation is a field of research through movement initiated by Steve Paxton in 1972 in the USA. Practiced with partners in physical contact, it resembles wrestling, social dancing, tumbling, fucking, napping, acrobatics, and all that is in between those forms. In 1975, Simone Forti defined as an art-sport. Steve Paxton, later on, called it


Communication Plasticus maritimus- Ana Pêgo

São Luiz Mais Novos São Luiz Mais Novos

In the sea, there are species that disappear and others that arise, as is the case of Plasticus maritimus, named after the book by Ana Pêgo, edited by Planeta Tangerina: What is it? Where did you come from? In this communication for the whole family, let us know the good things that the sea gives
