Wild Plants Course – Identification and Applications
Ecoaldeia de Janas R. do Luzio 15, Sintra, Lisboa, PortugalEdible wild plants are all those that are born, develop and reproduce spontaneously both in the field and on agricultural land, in the latter often classified as weeds. We will approach approximately 20 herbaceous species of the most common, proceed to their identification, characterize their habitat, therapeutic value, culinary uses and recipes for use in
Workshop Sound Cups, Tibetan Cups for Children- Cascais
Academia Peter Hess Portugal Rua da Escola Nova 92, Matarraque S. Domingos de Rana, Cascais, Lisboa, PortugalSound Cups, Tibetan Cups for Children The vibration and the sound of bowls are forms of non-verbal communication, it is a verbal communication through feeling, it is a means to work on issues such as trust and the feeling of protection. With the sound of the cups the brainwaves pass quickly from the Beta frequency
Cafe Boavida R. do Poço dos Negros 119,, Lisbon, Lisbon, PortugalSpring is in the air and with it a new edition of A’Migalhada. A’Migalhada was created with the intention of sharing the work of a few great creatives, giving you the chance to know them and their work, spending time exchanging thoughts. 16th of March 10:00 – 19:00 Pop Up with Portuguese makers 10:00 –
Circus Atelier – Parents and kids
Aldeia, Crescer en Familia Calçada dos Barbadinhos 136 , Loja E, Lisbona, PortugalThe workshop proposes to discover new ways of interacting with kids. Using practices from the circus universe, let's venture into positions that stimulate the spatiality and motor development of the children, all respecting the limits of each and can be repeated at home to practice a presentation for your next lively family lunch! For fathers
Palace – Shopping Gallery
Palacete Gomes Freire Palacete Gomes FreireDay 16 spend a different day! With family or friends, among shopping, tastings, workshops, an ice cream or a lunch in our outdoor space, come live this unique environment! The entrance is free! C onfirm your presence already and share with friends! * Free parking
Hands on pasta workshop for children
Studeo20 R. Luís Pastor de Macedo 29,, Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalThe workshop's proposal is to awaken the child's interest in cooking, to involve the child in the cooking process and to prepare healthy and easy snacks. Info:info@prateskitchen.com
Workshop Docs 4 Kids – One day in the village
Coleção Moderna - Calouste Gulbenkian Rua Dr. Nicolau Bettencourt,, Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalInserida na programação da Mostra Ameríndia - Percursos do Cinema Indígena no Brasil, o Projecto Educativo Apordoc realizará uma das suas Oficinas Docs 4 Kids baseada em alguns filmes da colecção Cineastas Indígenas para Jovens e Crianças, do projecto Vídeo nas Aldeias. UM DIA NA ALDEIA Vamos conhecer um dia nas aldeias Waimiri e Atroari,
I’m not Grumpy!
Livraria e Papelaria Espaço Av. Combatentes da Grande Guerra 51, Algés, Lisboa, PortugalTale and Expression Workshop Inspired in the book: "I'm Not Grumpy!" of the Editora Minutos de Leitura. Dinamizado by Inês Blanc Children 3+ years. Admission: € 3 (1 child and 1 adult)
Using the Brain with Fun
Livraria Ler Devagar R. Rodrigues de Faria 103 - G 0.3,, Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalWonderScience is a partner Brain awareness week Making sense of the brain's mind-boggling complexity isn't easy. What we do know is that it's the organ that makes us human, giving people the capacity for art, language, moral judgments, and rational thought. It's also responsible for each individual's personality, memories, movements, and how we sense the
Accident Prevention in the First year of age
A República das Mamãs Av. da República 1656,, Parede, LisboaFORMAÇÃO TEÓRICO-PRÁTICA de prevenção de acidentes no 1º ano da criança, com recurso a boneco para treinamento de primeiros socorros. PROGRAMA: − Asfixia − Queimaduras / Queimaduras solares − Quedas − Afogamentos − Intoxicações − Segurança dos brinquedos − Ambiente seguro − Segurança rodoviária − Primeiros socorros e mala 1ºs socorros − Suporte básico de