Manhãs D’Encantar – O Canto da Baleia

Canto da Baleia, an audiovisual and interactive concert for the whole family, is inspired by different children's books (Benji Davies's "The Whale", Suzie Lee's "A Onda", Axel's "Die Schnecke und der Buckelwal" Scheffer / Julia Donaldson), coupled with the desire to develop an interdisciplinary and interactive artistic format for children and adults. Together with our audience,



São Luiz Teatro Municipal Rua António Maria Cardoso, 38,, Lisbona, Portugal

IF YOU ARE 12 AND 19 YEARS OLD, THIS IS ALSO FOR YOU eyes and ears alert: BIG BAND JUNIOR / HOT CLUB OF PORTUGAL WITH INÊS LAGINHA 6 October - Saturday at 4pm The Big Band Junior presents itself in São Luiz in concerts commented by Inês Laginha, that intend to approach the jazz

€3 – €7

Concerts for children at Hard Rock Cafe Lisbon: with breakfast and fun band

Hard Rock Cafe Lisboa Av. da Liberdade, nº 2, Lisboa, Portugal

The Hard Rock Cafe Lisbon brings back the Children's Concerts! A musical show suitable for children from 3 to 7 years that promises to animate the whole family. Children's concerts at the Hard Rock Cafe Lisbon include a different breakfast and a fun soundtrack. There is a breakfast with ample options, followed by the concert

€11 – €16

Big Bang LX18 | Hoppeslot (Castelo Insuflável) w/ Zonzo Compagnie (Bélgica)

CCB-Centro Cultural de Belém Praça do Império,, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Performance / musical installation Dare to jump to the beat of the music in the white snowy Hoppeslot, BIG BANG's only inflatable castle! In Hoppeslot, a choreographer will give you instructions and guide you through a hopping course. A jazz band, led by Tijl Piryns and Simon Segers, reads the children's heels as if it

€1 – €2

Big Bang LX18 | Festival de Música e Aventura

CCB-Centro Cultural de Belém Praça do Império,, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Big Bang LX18 - Music and Adventure Festival for Young Audiences The Big Bang Festival returns in its ninth Portuguese edition. This will be a compelling discovery trip for children ages 4 to 12 and their accompanying adults. BIG BANG is an international project that began its activity in 2010. Through this project, the CCB


Big Bang LX18 | Le Manège du Contrevent, Comp. Grandet Douglas

CCB-Centro Cultural de Belém Praça do Império,, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Big Bang LX18 - Music and Adventure Festival for Young Audiences Le Manège du Contrevent Company Grandet Douglas (France) Who> For all ages. Performance / musical installation The Contrevent is a balance, balancing a piano and a flying carpet. The carousel is a call to the imaginary, the soft daydream, the magic of gravity. It is
