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Silence Retreat
Friday, January 25th, 2019 @ 18:00 - Sunday, January 27th, 2019 @ 19:00
Silence Retreat | Retiro de Silêncio
25 to 27 January
~ the Opening of Arrábida Gatherings ~8 ~
A weekend for
allowing your Body and Mind to re-adjust to your natural rhythm
allowing your True Essence to reveal itself
being in a true contact with Nature
Through different types of meditation, deep integration with nature, body awareness and creativity you can be in touch with your true essence, your true nature which is vibrant, joyful, creative and available to Life.
In these 2 days, you will have the opportunity to experience what you do not want in your life, which can be old patterns of thinking and reacting. It is a time for open new spaces within you so you can fill them with new intentions that can make your true expression shine.
Silencing the mind will allow for mental detoxing.
Nature will give you the energy input and the environment for your senses to be enhanced, so you can feel more by reduce thinking.
Creativity, through dancing, painting, drawing, claying or creative writing will allow you to express your feelings and release what you do not want any more.
Meditation will give you the time to become present with what is, which the truth of your current state is. Is in the acceptance of what is that you can become more aware of what you are not. Because your essence is not your state. A state can be altered. Your true essence cannot, but can be covered, so you cannot see it or experience it.
Thus in order for your own essence to be acknowledged one needs to be in total silence and clean the inner room, which is detoxing and silencing the mind. Maybe in this short but deep experience you will touch your essence. This is the main objective of this program. WELCOME TO YOUR TRUE SELF
About the Facilitators
Margarida Batista
I am a true lover of nature and silence since ever. Always liked to observe things and feel more than think or analyze.
I followed probably a “strange” path in my life, to get where I am now. When I was a teenager, I dreamed to be a dancer. Somehow ended up studying materials and science engineering in London where I lived for almost 5 years. My essence was still there crying out for more. So I got very interested in the field of human development, the human soul, ancient philosophies and the mysteries of humankind. Nevertheless, I went working professionally in my field of studies for 6 years. In between, I took a year off to start an artistic project, where I created hand painted clothes and presented them through performances in alternative shops. After that year, I went back to the same place I was before to work in the training department. There I went through several training programs in the field of cognitive development In Israel and Holland. I applied this program of cognitive development in several contexts. Parallel to this I studied some astrology and read many books on human development and mysteries’ of the human soul. Also started having dance lessons with Amalgama Dance Company and after this with Pedro Paz through his Reconnect Dance program.
In the year 2001, I left with my whole family, two children, my ex-husband and 4 cats to the Azores Island to start a completely new chapter in our lives. We stayed there for 9 months and there SerVivo was born. When we left, as we felt this was not yet the place to be, we went to back to Arrábida, which was our true home. There, we started creating artistic shows and workshops for children in the field of human development through relating nature to Humans – Nature = Human and Human = Nature, that was our main mote.
SerVivo now has a physical space, where our main goal is to allow each individual to reach its own true essence through different programs for human and spiritual development, where silence and body consciousness represent an important role.
Here are the most important people that were important in my self-development path, Chris Griscom, Maria Flávia de Monsaraz, Louise Hay, Ekchart Tolle, Edgar Cayce, Gregg Braden, Teal Swan, Jasmuheen and Ray Maor.
Pedro Paz
…dance, authentic movement, creative presence, improvisation, community dynamics, deep ecology,… are some key expressions of the work developed by Pedro Paz.
Pedro started to dance as a young boy on the streets of China. Soon was graduated by the National Conservatory of Portugal in classical and contemporary technics.
After dancing with some companies around Europe, got inspired and called a crew to begin Amalgama Dance Company, where he was artistic director for 7 years. Meanwhile, he became a guest teacher at the Traditional Chinese Medicine College in Lisbon, where he started developing Energetic and Creative Practices for the students. Seeing how it was unfolding in a self development perspective, soon he realized that this work should be spread out! From this academic Lab was soon released what is now his base research – Reconnect Dance, a group work based on meditation, chi kung, contemporary dance approaches, contact improvisation and real time creation.
With several cultural associations and collectives he plunges in art research, as well in social and ecological activities, linking performance, self development and ecology.
Pedro is a Rainbow Warrior, traveling regularly for the sharing of experiences and knowledge… for all our relations.
Guide Lines
Arrival is on the 25th between 5pm to 7pm.
At 7pm we will give the introduction and explain every step of the program so as to have a fluid and comfortable experience.
All your doubts will be taken on that day :))
100€ before the 5th January.
125€ after that till the 20th.
You can make your reservation to servivo.terra@gmail.com or +351915812454.
Your reservation is considered after you make the transference of 50% of the contribution to IBAN PT50 0033 0000 45233434112 05.
Some pre-requisites before attending this retreat:
Three to four days before do not eat any type of meat, drink alcohol or eat processed or heavy food.
Smoking is strictly forbidden at any time during this retreat.