Lisbon is getting more and busier since people are back from holidays and kids are back to school.
Here my usual selection of events that I find interesting or peculiar, for kids but also for adults, that so much deserve some “you” moments from time to time.
The selection is divided into categories and all events have links to buy tickets or get more info: since last week we have a very new Good causes category and also a preview of the coming events for the ones that prefer to think ahead in time.
Museum, Exhibitions, and Atelier for babies and kids
•Um Tigre-Lírio é Difícil de Encontrar at Lu.Ca
The Luis Camoes Theater it’s a very new theater entirely dedicated to kids and young people. This weekend the season start with a piece called A Tiger Lily is difficult to find by Alex Cassal.
Age> +6 years old
Price > €6,00 Adultos €3,00 kids
ajuda 15-30 sept | sat and SUN | 16H30-17H30 more info here
•Barral Family Day
Here comes the 4th edition of Barral Family Day!
A full day thought out for the fun of the whole family. Inflatables, ball pools, tree climbing, traditional games, and many other surprises will guarantee an unforgettable day for all ages.
You will not miss the shows with The Songs of Mary and Grandfather Cantigas and the presence of mascots Barral, Max, Benji and Polly that make the children happy. Bring your family and come and have fun!
Price > 2 €.
Monsanto PArk NORTH 23 sept | SUN | 10H00 and 19H00 more info here
Age> +7 YO
Máx > 40 participants
Price> 10€
Mandatory reservation at box
Mandragoa 22 sept | SAT | 14H30-17H30 more info here
•DIEZ ANÕS DE SOMBRASCIA. Sombras chinas de Valeria Guglietti
It’s the birthday party for all shadow characters. Something ephemeral, but that remains in memory for the simplicity and curiosity that the stories awaken.
A traditional theater style in the Courts of Paris of the nineteenth century, before the cinema and that awakens in the public the desire to play with its own shadow. A collection of shadow stories, projected by hands and accessories in plain sight.
Age group > kids + 3 years
Fee> €3,5 kids – 5 € adult
Duration> 45 minutes
- Booking tlf. 213 942 810
Mandragoa 21-22 sept | fRi- SAT | 21H30 more info here
•LE CIRQUE EST ARRIVÉ Clair de Lune Theatre
The atmosphere transports us to the atmosphere of the famous Chat Noir in Paris and the Belle Époque of the theater of shadows in Montmartre. Total obscurity creates a soft complicity between the audience, the shadows and the interpreter.
The curtain rises. A shadow circus is coming and everything becomes possible… Shadows and light playing together, jumping over musical notes, guide the audience in a fun, wordless story.
Age> +3 YO
Fee> €3,5 kids – 5 € adult
Duration> 30 minutes
- Booking tlf. 213 942 810
Mandragoa 22-23 sept | SAT-SUN | different shows more info here
•Corrida do Tejo Kids 2018
The “Tagus KIDS Race” has its 2nd edition on September 22, Saturday, between 9am and 1pm on the Athletics Track of the High Performance Athletics Center of the National Sports Center of Jamor, in Oeiras. This initiative is integrated and anticipates the mythical Corrida do Tejo, which will have its 38th edition, on September 23, at 10:00 am, in Oeiras, between Algés and Praia da Torre.
This initiative is aimed at children between the ages of 5 and 12 and is made up of an obstacle course with inflatables. He has also booked several animations such as face paintings, balloon modeling, pedal karts and traditional games.
OEIRAS 22 sEP | Sat | 09H00-13H00 More info here
•Kids friendly Sofa concert with a view
Imagine enjoy some apéritifs (White Wine, Rosé, Apérol Spritz, Beer or Soft drinks) and light snacks, while you can have a chat with other guests and the kids can play in the pátio all this with a view over the Tejo. Around 18H00, an intimate acoustic sofa session will begin with a programme of lusophonic music in beautiful arrangements (duo with violin/voice and double Bass ( or Trio B-Mesmo ( Kids of any age are highly welcome!
Only adults pay and are allowed to consume alcoholic beverages.
Price> 25€ including snacks and drinks
Estrela 27 SEP | 17H30 More info here
•English Club Lisbon
This week’s club will be all about shops and shopping, vocabulary games and making a presentation. Organized by the English club
At English Club Lisbon children in school age can learn how to make new things with arts and crafts, play lots of games, make new friends and practise speaking LOTS of English with qualified native English teachers Paul and Matt.
Age>6-16 YO
Price> 15 €
Campo de Ourique 22 SET | SÁB | 11H00 more info here
•Concert for babies at Oceanario de Lisboa
Played against the dreamlike fantasy setting provided by the main aquarium, music will awaken the senses, evoke feelings of love and stimulate your child’s intellect and imagination.
Age group Babies and children up to 3 years of age
Fee €35/baby and two adults (includes free access to the permanent exhibition after the concert)
Note Previous reservation is required
Parc das Naçoes Every SAT | 9H00 More info here
•Oficinas Criativas MAAT
mín. 5, máx. 15 participants
> 8 anos
Price: 7€ / 50% for second child
25 AUG-29 DEC | EVERY SAT | 15h30 (60min.) more info here
mín. 5, máx. 15 participants
> 6 anos
Price: 7€ / 50% for second child
26 AUG-30 DEC | EVERY SUN | 15h30 (60min.) more info here
Family-friendly cafes and bookshops
•Aldeia – Crescer en Familia
••Quem è?
In scene two actresses and a door.
If you and I were behind a door, why do not we have the courage to face what they say about us?
If you and I were to close ourselves for fear of prejudices?
What if you and I judged who did not match the stereotypes?
This may be the story of mine, yours, and so many other lives.
It is up to each of us not only to change the ending of the stories that surround us, but to help us to live them in a pleasant and beautiful way.
Age group > + 3 YO
Fee> €10/baby and one adults
Duration> 45 minutes
Reservations and payment must be made in advance
Graça 22 SEPT | SAT | 16H30-17H00 more info here
•Brunch + hora do conto
On Sunday there is Brunch and storytelling at Aldeia! The cafe will be open as usual if you just want to go for the reading.
Age group > Babies and children from 6 months to 4 years
Fee> €13/just brunch – 4 € just story – 15€ both brunch and story
Reservations and info at
Graça 23 SEPT | SUN | 10H30- 13H00 more info here
••Playgroup 12-36 months:
Babies and kids can participate with parents or be left with educators while parents can enjoy the cafe, working or having a cup of coffee or a good sandwich
EVERY wed | 10H30 – 12H30 more info here
••Viagem Musical para bebés e crianças! (Coming soon)
The project Mundos da Música invites you to embark on an amazing musical journey dedicated to your babies and kids using traditions and instruments coming from different parts of the world.
Age group > Babies and children from 3 months to 5 years
Fee> €10/baby and one adults – 2 € each adult or kid extra (brother/mother or father)
Duration> 45 minutes
Reservations and payment must be made in advance
Graça 29 SEPT | SAT | from 16H15 more info here
••Atelier Suja, Pinta, Brinca (Coming soon)
Painting and get dirty has never been so much fun! Why? Because they are going to play in the company of Marias Catrapumbas. While listening to fun and inspiring songs, babies are invited to paint and play with our homemade edible inks.
Dress with old clothes and bring a change of them.
Age group > Babies and children from 6 months to 4 years
Fee> €10/baby and one adults – 2 € each adult or kid extra (brother/mother or father)
Duration> 30 minutes
Reservations and info at
Graça 6 OCT | SAT | 16H00- 18H00 more info here
••Sensory Atelier
Thu | 16H15 – 17H00 from 6 Months til 4 years more info here
••Baby Yoga
Thu | 10H15 AND 11H00 from 2 Months til 2 years in two different age groups more info here
•Dança Oriental Intuitiva
•Body Development
•Aula Hatha Yoga
•Aulas de Yoga para Grávidas
•Baobà Livraria
•Heure du Conte avec l’Institut Français du Portugal (FR)
Heure du Conte
en partenariat avec l’Institut français du Portugal
conteuse Célia Méguellattii
Nous rêvons tous d’être un peu différents: plus beaux, plus minces, plus grands… en bref, débarrassés de nos petites “imperfections”.
Ce mois-ci nous vous présentons une histoire drôle et légère pour parler des différences physiques avec humour.
Tout le monde peut venir et l’entrée est gratuite!
Age> Pour tous
Max> 24 places disponibles (enfants et adultes)
Price> Entrée Libre
Campo de Ourique 15 SET | SÁB | 11H00 more info here
Lançamento c/ Rodolfo Castro
Bad news for lovers of short stories! Rodolfo Castro, the worst storyteller in the world, takes aim at the children’s classics with these Nine Evil Stories.
Come and listen to them live, in “almost Portuguese” and Spanish. It will be terrible! (But the autographs and the snack will be great 🙂
Age> Para todos
Price> Entrée Libre
Campo de Ourique 22 SET | SÁB | 16H00 more info here
•Orfeu Mini Bargaining Fair (Orfeu Negro Ediçao)
picture books for kids and adults
In BAOBÁ bookstore, we do not let September finish without challenging you to a Bargain Fair of illustrated books from the Orfeu Mini collection, editions Orfeu Negro, with prices starting at 3 euros!
Bargains are books that have been on display in the bookstore and have warrior brands. They may have dropped a little hand (= crumpled corner) or have a page that unwittingly doubled up and stayed like that. But the stories do not get crowded and they are kept there in their entirety.
If you believe that a book does not have to be perfect to be perfect, visit BAOBÁ in the week of September 25th to 29th and come and take from this tree of bargains the most beautiful picture books!
Campo de Ourique 25-29 SET | toda semana | From 10H30 more info here
Coming soon @ Baobà
••Itália, estrelas e rock’n’roll de papel c/ Giulia Atzori (IT)
•Oficina Um Ponto que Dança (Crianças dos 3 – 6 anos + Adulto)
Through the book Um Ponto Que Dança, this workshop approaches the immensity of the movement, from the small and almost invisible smallest like a blink of an eye or a bend of the little finger, to the enormous ones, like the movement of the clouds in the sky, or the transit fast and fast car in the street. This workshop looks for a space of deep attention to the dance that happens in the body and the world around us. It thus invites bodily exploration and then the construction of a book that records the experience and movement felt by each one.
Age group> 11H00 Children 3-6 + one Adults _ 15H30 from 7-10 YO
Max >4 groups
Fee> 15€ kids+ one adult
Duration> 60 minutes
Note> Previous reservation is required at
Intendente 22 SET | SÁB | 11H00 and 15H30 more info here 3-6 YO more info here 7-10 YO
Concerts and Festivals
•Festival TODOS
TODOS – “Caminhada de Culturas” is a multi-art festival that affirms Lisbon, since 2009, as a city of intercultural dialogue, coabitation of different religions, people and generations, through art promotion and share. Music, Theatre, Dance, Graffiti, Photography, Gastronomy, Visit tours and other performances.
With a programme of celebration and interaction, located for this year in the area of São Vicente, TODOS 10th edition will be held in various historically relevant spots, such as Botto Machado garden (Feira da Ladra), Voz do Operário, Trienal de Arquitetura palace, the National Pantheon, DAMAS bar, São Vicente de Fora Monastery, among various incredible spots.
MILHO POR PEIXE – ARANTXA JOSEPH E JÚNIOR 4 M/6 SAT 22 16h00-18h00 SUN 23 16h00-18h00
OHFICINA 2 LABORATÓRIO DE TRABALHOS IMPROVÁVEIS Family workshop SAT 22 | 15h00-18h00 SUN 23 | 15h00-18h00
PLUS HAUT – BAROLOSOLO (from 6 YO) FRI 21 | 21h00 SÁB 22 | 21h00 DOM 23 | 17h00
LES ÉTOILES – LES COLPORTEURS (from 3 YO) SEX 21 | 19h00 SÁB 22 | morning and afternoon DOM 23 | afternoon
Sao Vicente de Fora 20-23 SET | THU-SUN more info here
•Lisboa Soa 2018
Following on from previous years at Tapada das Necessidades and Estufa Fria, the festival will descend into the city’s water reservoirs and invites you to stop and listen to these magical places through installations, concerts, soundwalks and workshops.
STOP; LISTEN… HEAR! | MAFALDA ROMA, Portugal 23 SEP| 11H30 | Mãe d’Água das Amoreiras e Galerias do Loreto
Age> +8YO
Max> 12 participants
Amoreiras 20-23 SET | THU-SUN more info here
•Open House Lisboa 2018
In a triennial co-production and EGEAC Cultura in Lisbon, the 7th edition consists of a program of free visits to palaces, churches, schools, museums, theaters, private houses or workshops. And the best part is that most of the visits are unmarked, so nothing simpler.
And because we want to reach everyone, there are visits to think of people who are blind or with low vision, deaf or with intellectual disabilities.
For families, they offer ludo-pedagogical activities along with concerts, shows, performances, launches that integrate the parallel events. Accessible events for special needs people are available under Filter category Accesibilidade ( deaf, blind, reduced mobility)
Special selection for families
Around Lisbon 20-23 SET | THU-SUN more info here
My special selection of places to go….
…and family event ( kids between 6 and 12 YO)–>
••Pé-ante-pé at Estufa Fria
One foot and only then the other, and so on. Here we are invited to cut, fold and explore! With the help of an “as many as you want” it will be possible to discover some secrets of the plants and to know this green space so iconic of the city.
Reserve your spot at
Parque eduardo VII 22-23 SET | SAT-SUN | 10H30 and 16H30 more info here
••Various activity at Biblioteca de Marvila
Coro Infantil da Biblioteca de Marvila Saturday at 16H00
A Minha Casa é a Minha Cara Architecture workshop for young people Saturday and Sunday 10H00 and 14H00
MArvila 22-23 SET | SAT- SUN | more info here
•1:1 Uma Casa à Escala Real at CCB
The proposal is to build together the model of a full scale 1: 1 house. This activity takes advantage of the theme of the exhibition “Stories Built” to address an issue that is not obvious at first glance: how architecture is produced and constructed. Although each has its own imaginary, its own ideas, methods and formal expression, all architects share a common territory of practice. To make architecture requires a language that everyone understands, to shape the project and to describe how to build it.
Reserve your spot at
Belem 22 SET | SAT | 11H00 and 16H00 more info here
•A Glória de Lisboa na Casa dos Bicos Fundaçao Jose Saramago
In this activity, the Lisboa Quinhentista is known, through the archaeological core of Casa dos Bicos and its surroundings. During the reign of D. Manuel I, the city becomes. What works did the King promote? Then we invite the students to participate in the Game of Glory, in an adventure between caravels, many foreigners and pepper.
ALFAMA 23 SET | SAT | 10H00 and 18H00 more info here
•Colorindos in Alameda
Looking for a radical experience in Lisbon? The Alameda Dom Afonso Henriques park will be the scene of these fantastic adventures: Mountaineering Tower and the Biggest Slide in Europe! (150 m)
Join #ColorindoLisboa where we will challenge the participants for a breathtaking adventure and can even draw in ink a message of love for your favorite city. #Lisbon
Alameda 15-30 SET | 09H00 more info here
•Lisboa na Rua
A cultural Festival that will take place in the streets of Lisbon, with music, theater, movies, dance and much more. The festival will last for a month and will enlight the street of Lisbon
Around Lisbon 23 AUG-30 SEPT more info here Time out best 25 selection
My personal selection
•• Dançar na Rua
Danças Africanas
The kizomba, the funaná and other African dances have long conquered the Portuguese dance floors. Avelino Chantre and Stella Capapelo give the tactic, to the sound of the percussions of Kabum and Master Captain.
Free entrance
Benfica 16 SEP | SUN | 18H MOre info here
•• Antiprincesas
The evocation of important female role model such Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector or Bolivian military of Indios origin Juana Azurduy. The show will take place at Parque José Gomes Ferreira
Alvalade 15 SEP – 23 SEP | sAT AND SUN | 11H00 and 16H00 more info here
•OutJazz Festival
This OutJazz festival takes place in different gardens of Lisbon: after Belem, Parque Eduardo VII and Jardim da Estrela, for the month of September is taking place at Jardim do Campo Grande.
Chill live music and DJ set.
Picture from the last month event at Jardim da Estrela.
CAMPO GRANDE 16 SEPT | SUN | 17H and 22H more info here
•indiefrente no CCB Jardim das Oliveiras // Siopa + Miguel Alves
September calls for a new view in a new space!
The summer is not over yet and the indiefrente is back, this time in a cultural cathedral. It is in the Garden of Olives of the CCB that we dance to the sound of the discs of Gonçalo Siopa and Miguel Alves.
CCB Jardim das Oliveiras / East West
Gonçalo Siopa + Miguel Alves
Artwork by Kruella d’Enfer
Belem 21 SEP I Fri || 18H00-22H00 more info here
Good Causes
•16° European Mobility Week
This is the week we will all join together to improve the environment of our city. Participate actively using public transport or move around in a more environmentally friendly way by walking and using your bike or vehicles with shared mobility. During this week, also takes the opportunity to participate in many initiatives that the City of Lisbon created to make our most exciting, sustainable and better quality of life.
The culmination of this special week will arrive September 22, when it will mark the European Day Without Cars, with an Open Day on sustainable mobility that will integrate a conference, two talks and a moment of experimentation of electric vehicles plus a big final celebration in Avenida Liberdade
A lot of activities and event are planned for the week: bike Training Courses, Night bicycle tour of Alfama, Bicla fest on Sunday at Terreiro do Paço and much more, special tour at Museo do Carris
On the 22nd of September any trip on the CP cost just 2 euros per roundtrip (Linhas de Cascais, Sintra, Azambuja e Sado)
different locations 16-20 SEP | more info here
Markets and Fairs
•LX clothes and Rural Market
Clothes (both used and new), accessories and organic veggie market at LX Factory held in the street of the refurbished factory. We suggest a stop at the amazing bookshop Ler Devagar, brunch at Wish Coffee House and a sneak peek in their little design shop, a visit to the Arlequim woman on the top of Rio Marvilha restaurant.
ALCANTARA 16 SEP | SUN | 11.30H and 16H more info here
Open Air Movies
•NOS cinema ao ar livre @ Eleven
A cool open-air cinema with a night view on the city: Eleven hosts the Nos Cinema ao air livre, that opens its doors at 19H30 for cocktails and then movie starts at 21H30. This coming week screening Bridget Jones’s Baby. Coming movies: It, Baywatch.
Price> 12€ including a drink, popcorns and use of blankets.
Marques Pombal 26 SEP | THU | 19H30 Cocktail 21H00 Film MORE INFO HERE
•Topo Chiado Cinesociety
Outdoor screening of some of the best movie of all time with an amazing view over Lisbon: from Dirty Dancing to Call me by your name from Luca Guadagnino (IT), the latest Lady Bird or THE DARJEELING LIMITED. The same event with different movies is happening also in Cascais.
CHIADO or cascais 21H00 more info on date and TIMe here
Workshop for adults
•Craft Azulejo inspired Jewellery (coming soon)
Explore azulejo patterns and create your unique piece of jewellery!
In this workshop, you’ll create your own earrings, necklace, bracelet or ring.
In the end, you will leave with a personalised jewellery piece created entirely by you.
Are you new to designing & embroidering? Then this session is perfect for beginners who have never designed a piece of accessory or worked with a needle. It’s also for anyone looking for more of a challenge in designing accessories.
Snacks and drinks will be served.
Duration> 3 hours (2pm – 5pm)
Price> €20 – incl. the materials provided (needles, threads, tiles and metal findings).
graça 29 SEP | SAT | 14H00 -17H00 more info here
•Intro to Weaving Workshop
•Cross Stitch Ceramic Tile | Wall Hanging
•Empowering The Mother’s Journey
A pregnancy training for women who want to make a conscious journey into motherhood from a holistic point of view.
You have embarked on an exciting journey. Whether you are already a mom, becoming a mom or feel the wish to become a mother, this program will empower you to follow your inner voice with confidence.
The contribution is a donation between €10, – and €50, – per course.
To inscribe please sent a message or email to:
Milagros +351 964 190 009
Rosanna +31614647492 email:
ESTRELA 22 SEP-6 DEC | SAT | 10H00 -18H00 more info here
•Mother’s circle (Coming Soon)
The journey of a mother is a long one. It’s a journey that taks us to unforeseen places full of surprises, patience and impatience, doubts and a huge amount of Love. We need courage and trust to keep on going step by step.
To avoid traveling in loneliness we create this Mother circle. For support, care, inspiration and joy!
The circles will be hosted by Milagros and Rosanna. Both mothers. Milagros is an experienced Kundalini Yoga teacher en Rosanna is an Art therapist. Both are also students of the Kundalini pregnancy yoga course ‘The Mother’s Journey’.
ESTRELA 30 SEPì | SUN | 16H00 -18H00 more info here
•Workshop de Cerâmica * Texturas
Two days Classroom for all the curious who want to create something special to use in their day to day life.
Mentora: Mariana Filipe @ MALGA Ceramic Design ®
Age > +18 YO
Anyone, with or without experience, who wants to learn or root some of the production processes.
Price € 45+VAT * VAT is added at the statutory rate
MArvila 20 and 27 SEPì | THU | 19H30 – 22H00 more info here
•Two Workshops Macramé
These workshops are for beginners. In this three-hour class, they will learn the basic techniques and tricks to create your own macramé wall panels and dream-catcher. The basic nodes used in almost all major macramé pieces will be taught. Apart from a good morning or afternoon, they will also carry a lot of creative inspiration. In the end, they will be able to take home the work created by you.
Location: “The Apartment”, Lisbon
Price> € 69.90 and 75€
Tickets and all the infos in the link below
principe real 22 SEPì | SAT | 10H00 and 14H30 more info here
•Workshop Fall Ideas and Trends
If you liked to know the latest trends in the season, but do not know where to start, do not worry – we help: on the next 20, 21 and 22 September, we will share trends, teach tricks and get to work ) in the workshop “Autumn Ideas and Trends”.
Check here the dates and times of your store and sign up in the here
DIfferent Ikea shops 20 – 21 SEP | THU -SAT | afternoon-evening more info here
•Secret Women’s Meeting
it’s about continuing our journey of inspiring and empowering women in an informal and secure environment, with the unique MUXIMA vision and capturing the vibrant energy surrounding Lisbon.
The event is open to everybody. The topic will be sexual harassment.
Estrela 26 SEP | WED | 20H00-23H00 more info here
•CONTO AZUL – projeto-oficina de ilustração em cianotipia
CONTO AZUL is a workshop project whose purpose is to create works of two natures – small handmade books and large panels – from small stories about Marvila – illustrating them using cyanotype, a nineteenth-century photographic printing technique.
In addition to this main activity, to be carried out with a fixed workgroup, parallel activities will be developed for the general public.
Different activities taking place in Marvila, free and open to everybody
A project of IMAGERIE – Casa de Imagens
Partner Rede de Bibliotecas Municipais de Lisboa, 5D_creativeHub
With the support of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Marvila 25 SEPT – 13 DEC | more info here
•FICA-Oficina creativa
•• Intensive monthly workshop
Workshops are about Serigraphy, Risograph, Wooden work and more
All material included, different prices, Booking is mandatory, better in advance
activities calendar here
One time workshop to get a briefly introduction to some activities you can then do monthly at the atelier.
Alcantara 11-15 SEpt | More info here
Timeout Academia
•Taste of Portugal: Pastéis de Nata
Discover the story of the most typical sweet of Portugal: learn how to get the amazing crusty pastry or the delicious burned top. Duration 2h00 – Price €25
Includes workshop and tasting
Cais DO sodre 1 sep – 30 SEP | EACH SAT | 11H00 -13H00 more info and tickets here